SO. day 4. what did it consist of? it consisted of: hiking UP a volcano for about an hour. lets just say it was HOT and well hot. BUT it was a really cool experience knowing we were hiking a volcano in GREECE so I forgave the heat(just this once).

this is me taking a rest on top of the volcano. beautiful views. as long as you ignore the fact that there's a chance the volcano might erupt.
after we walked around for another 30minutes..we then headed back to our sailboat that we took to the 3 different islands of Santorini.

our boat was the third one. not sure if you can see it. we had to walk through other boats to get to ours.
After the volcano experience we then had the chance to jump off the boat into the sea. that is something I will NEVER forget. I wasn't able to take pictures because well.. I don't have a water proof camera. but I know some of the crew took some of us in the water. so I have those to cherish. we all swam to the "hot springs"(it was not hot) and we sure were hoping it was because that water was coldddd. we swam to the hot part and then to the mud part! I look up and I see all these people covered in brown and of course I thought... I HAVE TO DO THAT. and well I did and it was amazing we then swam back to the boat and I made sure to take in every moment.. I mean come on. I just jumped in the Mediterranean sea off a huge sailboat in GREECE
I then got back on the boat so we could head to another island. now.I LOVED these sailboats. but there is a downside..what you ask? it led to my first sea sick experience. and lets say it was worse than any drunk experience or hangover I have ever had. it was BAD. I got off the boat to the next cute little island feeling like I was getting pushed around in the ocean and then dragged in circles all while wanting to throw up...exciting hu? I was so mad cause I wanted to experience this island AND I was supposed to be riding a donkey. so I took a dramamine unrealisticly thinking it would heal me in 2minutes(it didn't) we sat down at a cute little dock over looking the ocean and I tried to eat a gyro...yea not smart.after I started to feel better I thought hey lets ride a donkey...BAD idea but not for the reasons you may think
list of reasons NOT to ride a donkey on..(forgot the name)
1. they make you pay 5dollars and it doesn't even go towards the donkeys need
2. they barely feed/give water to them
3. they slapped and punched(yes.. one got punched in the face..and caused it to stumble later and have a girl fly off the donkey)
4. they make them go up and down this huge cliff all day..little water.
so after realizing all this I felt like a horrible person for riding one and I don't even want to post pictures or honestly tell people I did it. so this is the last time i'll probably mention it. it was sad.
after that we got on the boat(head spinning and sickness gone). we then went to the more famous part of santorini. and of course I can't remember the name. so here is a picture because I know y'all will recognize it(and yes I took this..pretty amazing)

that place. beautiful hu? well lets say it took us going up steep steep steps? no not steps..slates?.. I can't even explain but I think it took over an hour. it was the most intense thing I have done and it is definitely not handicap accessible.

this picture doesn't really do our hike up to the top justice..but it's good for now. but at least we had amazing scenery if not I would have cried. Once we got to the top we wandered around the city and just took in the beauty of it all(corny I know). this place definitely had lots of bf/gf and married people. we were able to find a restaurant that had a balcony over looking the water and I had my first banana split!

awesome right? ya I know..after that we walked to this cool castle and watched the sunset. there were dogs everywhere and barking like crazy. the dogs here are strays and the government lets them roam around because a long time ago they would kill them..and so now the government feels bad so they feed the animals and give them yearly shots (there's some greece info for you in 2nd grade form)

the night ended with the sunset and a bus ride back to our hotel. it was a tiring day. we had to get ready and rest up for our ferry to mykonos the next day. I would have to say mykonos and santorini were my favorite. mykonos for the amazing clubs.bars.beach.and the little town that felt like I was stuck in a maze. ahh it was amazing. santorini because's santorini!
i'll leave you with a few more pictures of my favorite thing about greece....(well once of my favorite)

DAY 5 is fun.. mykonos ..fav. part about it? going into the little town and paradise beach! amazinggg!.. I apologize now if it takes me another month.