The boat ride consisted of: coughing because of smoke, napping on tables, weird greek burgers, internet, more coughing, BEAUTIFUL scenery, ocean waves, new friends, giggles and more sleeping.

Once we finally arrived to Santorini we took a bus to the TOP and when I say top I mean top. It was a scary bus ride but very worth it for the view and for the location we headed to. Right when we got off the bus we all ran to our hotel rooms and put on our bathing suits to head to the beach and see this!

That's right black sand! How cool hu!? I had never seen black sand before. Then more of this went on.

This picture is courtesy of Megan Ellison check out EFcollegebreak.com that's the program I went with to do this trip. It's a pretty amazing site and idea!.
So after the swimming and picture taking we headed back to the hotel to get our faces on(make-up) and get all cute to head to the capitol, Fira I believe it's called.

my friend lauren (left) and me(right) getting ready to go out. This is at our pool at the hotel where we met each morning to head to wherever it may be for that day.
After this was taken we had dinner at a cute spot on a hill over looking an amazing view. Once the eating was done(I got a bacon and ham crepe, yummm!) we all met up with spiros!!! We had one big bar hopping night of 100 of us! We pretty much packed each place we went to, curious? here's a picture of it

pretty nuts hu? It was like this everywhere we went.Bar hopping that night was insane. It consisted of: dancing, more dancing, alcoholic beverages, more dancing, yelling, walking, more walking, bars, jumping, laughing, and pretty much more alcohol and more dancing. Lets just say it was an amazing first night in Santorini!
I forgot to show you the beautiful view we had in Fira, i'm so mean. So here you go!

The night pretty much ended with a hangout at the beach and some more laughing and drinking.
enjoy! day4 consists of sailboating to the different islands of Santorini, now that was amazing!