I was always curious to why Monday was called Monday fun day, honestly nothing is really that exciting about Mondays. To me it means the start of another boring week. Weekends are my friend. Then again I have a pretty exciting interview tomorrow or in other words a casting for something! Don't want to say what it is yet or jinx myself, so I'll get back to that later, maybe ;) but today I had to wake up at 5:15, that's never fun and worked until 2ish. I watched my friends kickball game today, which I'm a littler jealous I'm not in a kickball league, that would be pretty baller. After that we went to a bar called the boileroom. So as you can see that was my Monday fun day.
and after I wrote all this, I just realized it's Sunday fun day..oops. but for the record I'm not a fan of Sundays either.
k bye.
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